How can I feel better? Why does this keep happening to me?

How can I change this? What do I do now?

Who am I really?

These are some of the questions that propel people to seek out therapy.

We want more from our lives,  from relationships. We want relief from suffering, but we’re not sure how to proceed or why we haven’t been able to make positive changes on our own.

Talking helps, as does feeling understood.

My practice begins with this foundation of seeking understanding and progresses as needs and desires arise through inquiry.

Sometimes that means providing space to be heard, to gently sift through difficult circumstances and feelings that brought us to therapy. Other times a more direct problem solving approach is beneficial. But every therapeutic relationship requires some trust and feeling of safety to be most effective, which takes a little time and experience to establish.

For this reason and others, the search for a therapist can be daunting, so I invite you to reach out to me and see if we might be able to work together.

[email protected]
